Expand , Degree , Coef , Content , PrimitivePart , LeadingCoef , Monic , RandomPoly , Horner , ExpandBrackets , EvaluateHornerScheme , OrthoP , OrthoH , OrthoG , OrthoL , OrthoT, OrthoU , OrthoPSum, OrthoHSum, OrthoLSum, OrthoGSum, OrthoTSum, OrthoUSum , OrthoPoly , OrthoPolySum , SquareFree , FindRealRoots , NumRealRoots , MinimumBound , MaximumBound .


This chapter contains commands to manipulate polynomials. This includes functions for constructing and evaluating orthogonal polynomials.

Expand put polynomial in expanded form
Degree degree of a polynomial
Coef coefficient of a polynomial
Content content of a univariate polynomial
PrimitivePart primitive part of a univariate polynomial
LeadingCoef leading coefficient of a polynomial
Monic monic part of a polynomial
RandomPoly construct a random polynomial
Horner convert polynomial into Horner form
ExpandBrackets expand all brackets
EvaluateHornerScheme fast evaluation of polynomials
OrthoP Legendre and Jacobi orthogonal polynomials
OrthoH Hermite orthogonal polynomials
OrthoG Gegenbauer orthogonal polynomials
OrthoL Laguerre orthogonal polynomials
OrthoT, OrthoU Tschebyscheff polynomials
OrthoPSum, OrthoHSum, OrthoLSum, OrthoGSum, OrthoTSum, OrthoUSum sums of series of orthogonal polynomials
OrthoPoly internal function for constructing orthogonal polynomials
OrthoPolySum internal function for computing series of orthogonal polynomials
SquareFree Return square-free part of polynom p=p(x) in x
FindRealRoots Find the real roots of a polynom p=p(x) in x
NumRealRoots Return the number of real roots of a polynom p=p(x) in x
MinimumBound Return a lower bound on the absolute value of the real roots of a polynom p=p(x) in x
MaximumBound Return an upper bound on the absolute value of the real roots of a polynom p=p(x) in x

Expand -- put polynomial in expanded form

Standard library
Calling format:
Expand(expr, var)
Expand(expr, varlist)

expr -- a polynomial expression

var -- a variable

varlist -- a list of variables

This command brings a polynomial in expanded form, in which polynomials are represented in the form c0+c1*x+c2*x^2+...+c[n]*x^n. In this form, it is easier to test whether a polynomial is zero, namely by testing whether all coefficients are zero.

If the polynomial "expr" contains only one variable, the first calling sequence can be used. Otherwise, the second form should be used which explicitly mentions that "expr" should be considered as a polynomial in the variable "var". The third calling form can be used for multivariate polynomials. Firstly, the polynomial "expr" is expanded with respect to the first variable in "varlist". Then the coefficients are all expanded with respect to the second variable, and so on.

In> PrettyPrinter("PrettyForm");


In> Expand((1+x)^5);

 5        4         3         2
x  + 5 * x  + 10 * x  + 10 * x  + 5 * x + 1

In> Expand((1+x-y)^2, x);

 2                                2
x  + 2 * ( 1 - y ) * x + ( 1 - y )

In> Expand((1+x-y)^2, {x,y});

 2                         2
x  + ( -2 * y + 2 ) * x + y  - 2 * y + 1

See also:
ExpandBrackets .

Degree -- degree of a polynomial

Standard library
Calling format:
Degree(expr, var)

expr -- a polynomial

var -- a variable occurring in "expr"

This command returns the degree of the polynomial "expr" with respect to the variable "var". The degree is the highest power of "var" occurring in the polynomial. If only one variable occurs in "expr", the first calling sequence can be used. Otherwise the user should use the second form in which the variable is explicitly mentioned.

In> Degree(x^5+x-1);
Out> 5;
In> Degree(a+b*x^3, a);
Out> 1;
In> Degree(a+b*x^3, x);
Out> 3;

See also:
Expand , Coef .

Coef -- coefficient of a polynomial

Standard library
Calling format:
Coef(expr, var, order)

expr -- a polynomial

var -- a variable occurring in "expr"

order -- integer or list of integers

This command returns the coefficient of "var" to the power "order" in the polynomial "expr". The parameter "order" can also be a list of integers, in which case this function returns a list of coefficients.

In> e := Expand((a+x)^4,x)
Out> x^4+4*a*x^3+(a^2+(2*a)^2+a^2)*x^2+
In> Coef(e,a,2)
Out> 6*x^2;
In> Coef(e,a,0 .. 4)
Out> {x^4,4*x^3,6*x^2,4*x,1};

See also:
Expand , Degree , LeadingCoef .

Content -- content of a univariate polynomial

Standard library
Calling format:

expr -- univariate polynomial

This command determines the content of a univariate polynomial. The content is the greatest common divisor of all the terms in the polynomial. Every polynomial can be written as the product of the content with the primitive part.

In> poly := 2*x^2 + 4*x;
Out> 2*x^2+4*x;
In> c := Content(poly);
Out> 2*x;
In> pp := PrimitivePart(poly);
Out> x+2;
In> Expand(pp*c);
Out> 2*x^2+4*x;

See also:
PrimitivePart , Gcd .

PrimitivePart -- primitive part of a univariate polynomial

Standard library
Calling format:

expr -- univariate polynomial

This command determines the primitive part of a univariate polynomial. The primitive part is what remains after the content (the greatest common divisor of all the terms) is divided out. So the product of the content and the primitive part equals the original polynomial.

In> poly := 2*x^2 + 4*x;
Out> 2*x^2+4*x;
In> c := Content(poly);
Out> 2*x;
In> pp := PrimitivePart(poly);
Out> x+2;
In> Expand(pp*c);
Out> 2*x^2+4*x;

See also:
Content .

LeadingCoef -- leading coefficient of a polynomial

Standard library
Calling format:
LeadingCoef(poly, var)

poly -- a polynomial

var -- a variable

This function returns the leading coefficient of "poly", regarded as a polynomial in the variable "var". The leading coefficient is the coefficient of the term of highest degree. If only one variable appears in the expression "poly", it is obvious that it should be regarded as a polynomial in this variable and the first calling sequence may be used.

In> poly := 2*x^2 + 4*x;
Out> 2*x^2+4*x;
In> lc := LeadingCoef(poly);
Out> 2;
In> m := Monic(poly);
Out> x^2+2*x;
In> Expand(lc*m);
Out> 2*x^2+4*x;

In> LeadingCoef(2*a^2 + 3*a*b^2 + 5, a);
Out> 2;
In> LeadingCoef(2*a^2 + 3*a*b^2 + 5, b);
Out> 3*a;

See also:
Coef , Monic .

Monic -- monic part of a polynomial

Standard library
Calling format:
Monic(poly, var)

poly -- a polynomial

var -- a variable

This function returns the monic part of "poly", regarded as a polynomial in the variable "var". The monic part of a polynomial is the quotient of this polynomial by its leading coefficient. So the leading coefficient of the monic part is always one. If only one variable appears in the expression "poly", it is obvious that it should be regarded as a polynomial in this variable and the first calling sequence may be used.

In> poly := 2*x^2 + 4*x;
Out> 2*x^2+4*x;
In> lc := LeadingCoef(poly);
Out> 2;
In> m := Monic(poly);
Out> x^2+2*x;
In> Expand(lc*m);
Out> 2*x^2+4*x;

In> Monic(2*a^2 + 3*a*b^2 + 5, a);
Out> a^2+(a*3*b^2)/2+5/2;
In> Monic(2*a^2 + 3*a*b^2 + 5, b);
Out> b^2+(2*a^2+5)/(3*a);

See also:
LeadingCoef .

RandomPoly -- construct a random polynomial

Standard library
Calling format:

var -- free variable for resulting univariate polynomial

deg -- degree of resulting univariate polynomial

coefmin -- minimum value for coefficients

coefmax -- maximum value for coefficients

RandomPoly generates a random polynomial in variable "var", of degree "deg", with integer coefficients ranging from "coefmin" to "coefmax" (inclusive). The coefficients are uniformly distributed in this interval, and are independent of each other.

In> RandomPoly(x,3,-10,10)
Out> 3*x^3+10*x^2-4*x-6;
In> RandomPoly(x,3,-10,10)
Out> -2*x^3-8*x^2+8;

See also:
Random , RandomIntegerVector .

Div and Mod for polynomials

Standard library
Div and Mod are also defined for polynomials.

See also:
Div , Mod .

Horner -- convert polynomial into Horner form

Standard library
Calling format:
Horner(expr, var)

expr -- a polynomial in "var"

var -- a variable

This command turns the polynomial "expr", considered as a univariate polynomial in "var", into Horner form. A polynomial in normal form is an expression such as


If one converts this polynomial into Horner form, one gets the equivalent expression


Both expression are equal, but the latter form gives a more efficient way to evaluate the polynomial as the powers have disappeared.

In> expr1:=Expand((1+x)^4)
Out> x^4+4*x^3+6*x^2+4*x+1;
In> Horner(expr1,x)
Out> (((x+4)*x+6)*x+4)*x+1;

See also:
Expand , ExpandBrackets , EvaluateHornerScheme .

ExpandBrackets -- expand all brackets

Standard library
Calling format:

expr -- an expression

This command tries to expand all the brackets by repeatedly using the distributive laws a*(b+c)=a*b+a*c and (a+b)*c=a*c+b*c. It goes further than Expand, in that it expands all brackets.

In> Expand((a-x)*(b-x),x)
Out> x^2-(b+a)*x+a*b;
In> Expand((a-x)*(b-x),{x,a,b})
Out> x^2-(b+a)*x+b*a;
In> ExpandBrackets((a-x)*(b-x))
Out> a*b-x*b+x^2-a*x;

See also:
Expand .

EvaluateHornerScheme -- fast evaluation of polynomials

Standard library
Calling format:

coeffs -- a list of coefficients

x -- expression

This function evaluates a polynomial given as a list of its coefficients, using the Horner scheme. The list of coefficients starts with the 0-th power.

In> EvaluateHornerScheme({a,b,c,d},x)
Out> a+x*(b+x*(c+x*d));

See also:
Horner .

OrthoP -- Legendre and Jacobi orthogonal polynomials

Standard library
Calling format:
OrthoP(n, x);
OrthoP(n, a, b, x);

n -- degree of polynomial

x -- point to evaluate polynomial at

a, b -- parameters for Jacobi polynomial

The first calling format with two arguments evaluates the Legendre polynomial of degree n at the point x. The second form does the same for the Jacobi polynomial with parameters a and b, which should be both greater than -1.

The Jacobi polynomials are orthogonal with respect to the weight function (1-x)^a*(1+x)^b on the interval [-1,1]. They satisfy the recurrence relation




for n>1, with P(0,a,b,x)=1,


Legendre polynomials are a special case of Jacobi polynomials with the specific parameter values a=b=0. So they form an orthogonal system with respect to the weight function identically equal to 1 on the interval [-1,1], and they satisfy the recurrence relation


for n>1, with P(0,x)=1, P(1,x)=x.

Most of the work is performed by the internal function OrthoPoly.

In> PrettyPrinter("PrettyForm");


In> OrthoP(3, x);

    /      2     \
    | 5 * x    3 |
x * | ------ - - |
    \   2      2 /

In> OrthoP(3, 1, 2, x);

1       /     / 21 * x   7 \   7 \
- + x * | x * | ------ - - | - - |
2       \     \   2      2 /   2 /

In> Expand(%)

      3        2
21 * x  - 7 * x  - 7 * x + 1

In> OrthoP(3, 1, 2, 0.5);


See also:
OrthoPSum , OrthoG , OrthoPoly .

OrthoH -- Hermite orthogonal polynomials

Standard library
Calling format:
OrthoH(n, x);

n -- degree of polynomial

x -- point to evaluate polynomial at

This function evaluates the Hermite polynomial of degree n at the point x.

The Hermite polynomials are orthogonal with respect to the weight function Exp(-x^2/2) on the entire real axis. They satisfy the recurrence relation


for n>1, with H(0,x)=1, H(1,x)=2*x.

Most of the work is performed by the internal function OrthoPoly.

In> OrthoH(3, x);
Out> x*(8*x^2-12);
In> OrthoH(6, 0.5);
Out> 31;

See also:
OrthoHSum , OrthoPoly .

OrthoG -- Gegenbauer orthogonal polynomials

Standard library
Calling format:
OrthoG(n, a, x);

n -- degree of polynomial

a -- parameter

x -- point to evaluate polynomial at

This function evaluates the Gegenbauer (or ultraspherical) polynomial with parameter a and degree n at the point x. The parameter a should be greater than -1/2.

The Gegenbauer polynomials are orthogonal with respect to the weight function (1-x^2)^(a-1/2) on the interval [-1,1]. Hence they are connected to the Jacobi polynomials via


They satisfy the recurrence relation



for n>1, with G(0,a,x)=1, G(1,a,x)=2*x.

Most of the work is performed by the internal function OrthoPoly.

In> OrthoG(5, 1, x);
Out> x*((32*x^2-32)*x^2+6);
In> OrthoG(5, 2, -0.5);
Out> 2;

See also:
OrthoP , OrthoT , OrthoU , OrthoGSum , OrthoPoly .

OrthoL -- Laguerre orthogonal polynomials

Standard library
Calling format:
OrthoL(n, a, x);

n -- degree of polynomial

a -- parameter

x -- point to evaluate polynomial at

This function evaluates the Laguerre polynomial with parameter a and degree n at the point x. The parameter a should be greater than -1.

The Laguerre polynomials are orthogonal with respect to the weight function x^a*Exp(-x) on the positive real axis. They satisfy the recurrence relation



for n>1, with L(0,a,x)=1, L(1,a,x)=a+1-x.

Most of the work is performed by the internal function OrthoPoly.

In> OrthoL(3, 1, x);
Out> x*(x*(2-x/6)-6)+4;
In> OrthoL(3, 1/2, 0.25);
Out> 1.2005208334;

See also:
OrthoLSum , OrthoPoly .

OrthoT, OrthoU -- Tschebyscheff polynomials

Standard library
Calling format:
OrthoT(n, x);
OrthoU(n, x);

n -- degree of polynomial

x -- point to evaluate polynomial at

These functions evaluate the Tschebyscheff polynomials of the first kind T(n,x) and of the second kind U(n,x), of degree "n" at the point "x". (The name of this Russian mathematician is also sometimes spelled "Chebyshev".)

The Tschebyscheff polynomials are orthogonal with respect to the weight function (1-x^2)^(-1/2). Hence they are a special case of the Gegenbauer polynomials G(n,a,x), with a=0. They satisfy the recurrence relations



for n>1, with T(0,x)=1, T(1,x)=x, U(0,x)=1, U(1,x)=2*x.

Tschebyscheff polynomials are evaluated using fast (but numerically unstable) recurrence relations





This allows to compute T(n,x) and U(n,x) in time logarithmic in n. Note that the functions return the polynomials in a sparse unexpanded form.

Warning: because of numerical instability of this algorithm, polynomials of very large orders on floating-point arguments should be evaluated with increased precision.

In> OrthoT(3, x);
Out> 2*x*(2*x^2-1)-x;
In> OrthoT(10, 0.9);
Out> -0.2007474688;
In> OrthoU(3, x);
Out> 4*x*(2*x^2-1);
In> OrthoU(10, 0.9);
Out> -2.2234571776;

Here is an example numerical calculation where the loss of precision is catastrophic:

In> OrthoT(10000000000001, 0.9)
Out> 0.1851470834;
In> Precision(20);
Out> True;
In> OrthoT(10000000000001, 0.9)
Out> -0.79727552022438356731;

See also:
OrthoG , OrthoTSum , OrthoUSum , OrthoPoly .

OrthoPSum, OrthoHSum, OrthoLSum, OrthoGSum, OrthoTSum, OrthoUSum -- sums of series of orthogonal polynomials

Standard library
Calling format:
OrthoPSum(c, x);
OrthoPSum(c, a, b, x);
OrthoHSum(c, x);
OrthoLSum(c, a, x);
OrthoGSum(c, a, x);
OrthoTSum(c, x);
OrthoUSum(c, x);

c -- list of coefficients

a, b -- parameters of specific polynomials

x -- point to evaluate polynomial at

These functions evaluate the sum of series of orthogonal polynomials at the point x, with given list of coefficients c of the series and fixed polynomial parameters a, b (if applicable).

The list of coefficients starts with the lowest order, so that for example OrthoLSum(c, a, x) = c[1] L[0](a,x) + c[2] L[1](a,x) + ... + c[N] L[N-1](a,x).

See pages for specific orthogonal polynomials for more details on the parameters of the polynomials.

Most of the work is performed by the internal function OrthoPolySum. The individual polynomials entering the series are not computed, only the sum of the series.

In> Expand(OrthoPSum({1,0,0,1/7,1/8}, 3/2, \
  2/3, x));
Out> (7068985*x^4)/3981312+(1648577*x^3)/995328+

See also:
OrthoP , OrthoG , OrthoH , OrthoL , OrthoT , OrthoU , OrthoPolySum .

OrthoPoly -- internal function for constructing orthogonal polynomials

Standard library
Calling format:
OrthoPoly(name, n, par, x)

name -- string containing name of orthogonal family

n -- degree of the polynomial

par -- list of values for the parameters

x -- point to evaluate at

This function is used internally to construct orthogonal polynomials. It returns the n-th polynomial from the family name with parameters par at the point x.

All known families are stored in the association list KnownOrthoPoly. The name serves as key. At the moment the following names are known to Yacas: "Jacobi", "Gegenbauer", "Laguerre", "Hermite", "Tscheb1", and "Tscheb2". The value associated to the key is a pure function that takes two arguments: the order n and the extra parameters p, and returns a list of two lists: the first list contains the coefficients A,B of the n=1 polynomial, i.e. A+B*x; the second list contains the coefficients A,B,C in the recurrence relation, i.e. P[n]=(A+B*x)*P[n-1]+C*P[n-2]. (There are only 3 coefficients in the second list, because none of the polynomials use C+D*x instead of C in the recurrence relation. This is assumed in the implementation!)

If the argument x is numerical, the function OrthoPolyNumeric is called. Otherwise, the function OrthoPolyCoeffs computes a list of coefficients, and EvaluateHornerScheme converts this list into a polynomial expression.

See also:
OrthoP , OrthoG , OrthoH , OrthoL , OrthoT , OrthoU , OrthoPolySum .

OrthoPolySum -- internal function for computing series of orthogonal polynomials

Standard library
Calling format:
OrthoPolySum(name, c, par, x)

name -- string containing name of orthogonal family

c -- list of coefficients

par -- list of values for the parameters

x -- point to evaluate at

This function is used internally to compute series of orthogonal polynomials. It is similar to the function OrthoPoly and returns the result of the summation of series of polynomials from the family name with parameters par at the point x, where c is the list of coefficients of the series.

The algorithm used to compute the series without first computing the individual polynomials is the Clenshaw-Smith recurrence scheme. (See the algorithms book for explanations.)

If the argument x is numerical, the function OrthoPolySumNumeric is called. Otherwise, the function OrthoPolySumCoeffs computes the list of coefficients of the resulting polynomial, and EvaluateHornerScheme converts this list into a polynomial expression.

See also:
OrthoPSum , OrthoGSum , OrthoHSum , OrthoLSum , OrthoTSum , OrthoUSum , OrthoPoly .

SquareFree -- Return square-free part of polynom p=p(x) in x

Standard library
Calling format:

p - a polynom in x

Given a polynom


with irreducible polynoms p[i], return the square-free version part (with all the factors having multiplicity 1):


In> Expand((x+1)^5)
Out> x^5+5*x^4+10*x^3+10*x^2+5*x+1;
In> SquareFree(%)
Out> (x+1)/5;
In> Monic(%)
Out> x+1;

See also:
FindRealRoots , NumRealRoots , MinimumBound , MaximumBound , Factor .

FindRealRoots -- Find the real roots of a polynom p=p(x) in x

Standard library
Calling format:

p - a polynom in x

Return a list with the real roots of p. It tries to find the real-valued roots, and thus requires numeric floating point calculations. The precision of the result can be improved by increasing the calculation precision.

In> p:=Expand((x+3.1)^5*(x-6.23))
Out> x^6+9.27*x^5-0.465*x^4-300.793*x^3-
In> FindRealRoots(p)
Out> {-3.1,6.23};

See also:
SquareFree , NumRealRoots , MinimumBound , MaximumBound , Factor .

NumRealRoots -- Return the number of real roots of a polynom p=p(x) in x

Standard library
Calling format:

p - a polynom in x

Returns the number of real roots of a polynom p.

In> NumRealRoots(x^2-1)
Out> 2;
In> NumRealRoots(x^2+1)
Out> 0;

See also:
FindRealRoots , SquareFree , MinimumBound , MaximumBound , Factor .

MinimumBound -- Return a lower bound on the absolute value of the real roots of a polynom p=p(x) in x

MaximumBound -- Return an upper bound on the absolute value of the real roots of a polynom p=p(x) in x

Standard library
Calling format:


p - a polynom in x

Return minimum and maximum boubds for the absolute values of the real roots of a polynom p. The polynom has to be converted to one with rational coefficients first, and be made square-free.

In> p:=SquareFree(Rationalize((x-3.1)*(x+6.23)))
Out> (-40000*x^2-125200*x+772520)/870489;
In> MinimumBound(p)
Out> 5000000000/2275491039;
In> N(%)
Out> 2.1973279236;
In> MaximumBound(p)
Out> 10986639613/1250000000;
In> N(%)
Out> 8.7893116904;

See also:
SquareFree , NumRealRoots , FindRealRoots , Factor .