set x size 5
set y size 5
set x axis 0 1 0.25
set y axis 0 20 10
set font size 0
\background_color = "hsb 0.60 0.24 1"
\line_color =       "red"
\word_color =       "black"

read columns x y
0.0  12.5
0.25 19  
0.5  12  
0.75 15  
1    13  

set color \background_color
set line width axis rapidograph 6
draw curve filled to ..ybottom.. y
set color black
draw axes

set color \line_color
set line width rapidograph 7
draw curve
set symbol size 0.4
draw symbol bullet

set color \word_color
set font size 80
set font to TimesRoman
draw label "Gri" at 0.1 2