# Example 12 -- Linegraph with key inside plot

set font size 10		# points (1in = 72pt)
set x size 10			# cm
set y size 10			# cm
set x name "Height"
set y name "Total Energy"

# Following axis setups not necessary; will autoscale if you
# remove these.
set x margin 3
set x axis 800 960 20
set y margin 3
set y axis -0.4 1 0.2

# Read data.  Format is columns (x, y1, y2, y3, y4)
open example12.dat
read columns x y
draw curve
draw label for last curve "1"

set line width {rpn ..linewidth.. 1.5 *}
read columns x * y
draw curve
draw label for last curve "2"

set line width {rpn ..linewidth.. 1.5 *}
read columns x * * y
draw curve
draw label for last curve "3"

set line width {rpn ..linewidth.. 1.5 *}
read columns x * * * y
draw curve
draw label for last curve "4"

# Draw the key.  
# (1) This key is inside the plot; it's location was chosen 
#     after looking at the data.  To put the key in a different 
#     location, alter the .key_topleft_x. and .key_topleft_y. 
#     variables.  For example, you could put the key to the 
#     right of the plot by changing the next line to:
#     `.key_topleft_x. = {rpn ..xsize.. 0.5 +}'
# (2) The variable .dy_inc. is the spacing between lines in
#     the key.  It should be OK even if you change the
#     font size above.
.key_topleft_x. = 0.5		# cm right of left axis
.key_topleft_y. = 0.5		# cm below top axis
.dy_inc. = {rpn ..fontsize.. pttocm 1.5 *}

draw label "1 = Model 1A" at    \
    {rpn ..xleft.. xusertocm .key_topleft_x. +} \
    {rpn ..ytop.. yusertocm .key_topleft_y. -} cm

.key_topleft_y. += .dy_inc.
draw label "2 = Model 2A" at    \
    {rpn ..xleft.. xusertocm .key_topleft_x. +} \
    {rpn ..ytop.. yusertocm .key_topleft_y. -} cm

.key_topleft_y. += .dy_inc.
draw label "3 = Model 1B" at    \
    {rpn ..xleft.. xusertocm .key_topleft_x. +} \
    {rpn ..ytop.. yusertocm .key_topleft_y. -} cm

.key_topleft_y. += .dy_inc.
draw label "4 = Model 2B" at    \
    {rpn ..xleft.. xusertocm .key_topleft_x. +} \
    {rpn ..ytop.. yusertocm .key_topleft_y. -} cm

draw title "Example 12 -- Total heating vs height of boundary layer"