STR, STRUCTURE - manipulate the content of the secondary structure buffer.

STR = one_letter_code
STR LOAD filename
STR READ filename
STR FROM structure_identifier
STR SAVE filename

The command STR (long form: STRUCTURE) manipulates the content of the main secondary structure buffer. Garlic mantains two secondary structure buffers: the main buffer and the reference buffer. The main secondary structure buffer is used to create a new structure and to replace a portion of an existing structure.

Both buffers store the following secondary structure information:
(1) The length of the secondary structure.
(2) The secondary structure (one letter codes). The codes are:

C = coil,
E = strand,
G = 3-10 helix,
H = alpha helix,
T = turn.

As the secondary structure information may be defined independently from any structure, atomic coordinates are not required for most secondary structure manipulation routines.

All version of the command STR, except one, are used to manipulate the content of the main secondary structure buffer. The only exception is STR COPY, which copies the content of the main secondary structure buffer to the reference buffer. This is the only way to initialize the reference buffer.

STR = one_letter_code
The command STR may be used with the keyword = (equal sign) to define the secondary structure at garlic command prompt. This may be practical to define the secondary structure of a short peptide or a small protein. The syntax:

STR = one_letter_code


str = ccccccchhhhhhhcttteeeeecccccccccccccc

The secondary structure will be converted to uppercase. If at least one bad code is found, the command will fail and the main secondary structure buffer will be left empty. Space, comma and tab may be used as separators.

STR LOAD filename
The keyword LOAD (or READ, short forms LOA and REA) may be used to read the secondary structure from the specified file. The input file should be written in a format similar to FASTA. Empty lines and lines beginning with # will be ignored. The number of codes per line is arbitrary. Example:

The following characters are threated as separators:
(1) space
(2) tab
(3) comma (,)

If input file contains at least one bad code (a residue name which consists of four letters, for example) the reading will fail. The hard-coded maximal number of residues is 20000, but it may be easily changed (see MAXRESIDUES in the header file defines.h).

load secstr.fasta

STR FROM structure_identifier
The keyword FROM (short form: FRO) may be used to copy the secondary structure from the specified atomic structure to the main secondary structure buffer. Only the structure of selected residues is copied. Residue is treated as selected if the first atom is selected. For proteins, this is typically N (nitrogen).

str from 1

The command STR COPY (short form: STR COP) copies the secondary structure from the main secondary structure buffer to the reference buffer. This is the only way to initialize the reference buffer. This command must be executed (i.e., the keyword COPY must be used) before executing commands which require two secondary structures for proper operation. The main secondary structure buffer may be initialized prior to STR COPY by using one of the keywords described above (=, LOAD or FROM).

str copy

STR SAVE filename
The command STR SAVE (short form: STR SAV) saves the secondary structure to the specified file. The output file will be written in FASTA format.

str save 9pap.secstr

Reset (clear) the main secondary structure buffer. The short form is STR RES. The command STR RESET sets the number of codes in the main secondary structure buffer to zero. The storage is not freed, so the buffer may be used again later.

str reset

SEQ may be used to define the sequence. CREATE may be used to create a new peptide.